SEO is the abbreviation form of Search Engine Optimization; every website on earth should have a SEO, this is the only way you can make your website displayed in the one of the first places on a Google organic result, but let me explain a little bit about that concept.
There are two ways to be included in a Google search results, one of them is paying advertising known as "Sponsored Links". The other way is through organic search results.
Google always has said that they don't charge for organic search and based on our experience that statement is true. Regarding organic search results, this is the place where your site can be listed without paying any money. Product of a good SEO campaign is a good website position.
You might have some other options like Pay Per click –PPC- which is a campaign where you pay a certain amount of money each time a visitor makes a click in your ad. Yes, you read this right, so you need to build an ad and make it very attractive for your future clients and prepare a landing page linked to it. Indeed having a SEO firm to work with your website includes several services: Content management, keyword research, structure review, marketing campaigns, and some graphic web design. The website has to be inspected and some basic rules must be checked that may not be in the original design.
We have a team who know how to prepare your site to appear in the first position in the organic Google result. Recently we were in the SES New York, where more than 5000 search engine optimization professionals attended, and got more tools and valuable information about keyword research, SEO, social media, content building, video optimization, PPC campaign management, and much more, all at your service here at Parexton.
If you are thinking about how to make your website more profitable for your business this is the time you have to think about a redesign for your website or a plan to launch a new website and make sure that it is going to be search engine friendly. For that you can hire someone to make sure that your new or redesign website will work from the bottom up. Here at Parexton we can show you some examples of our most recent projects and success stories; our team always follows Google Webmaster Guidelines. Based on our previous experiences, we can help you set up a campaign, set up goals, and measure results, always keeping you in the loop.